Newborn Photography as a whole is relatively new in the photography world. Sure it was always there, kinda lurking and hanging around in the background. But it has only recently found its legs and taken off running. I mean what parent doesnt want those sweet, sleepy and all squished up photos of their precious darlings?

The newborn phase passes so quickly. On average the time you have to capture this phase is between 5-10 days old. They are still so sleepy and supple you can almost tie them in knots. But there seems to be a switch that flips soon after the ten day mark. They get more alert and sensitive to their surroundings. That super duper deep sleep is a thing of the past. Now there is an exception to every rule. Boys tend take a bit longer to rouse from this phase than girls do. And some babies are just bright eyed and bushy tailed straight from the get go.
I met one said exception to the rule I stated above. She was my very FIRST newborn session! Miss Stella Rose. She was just a wee peanut too, weighing in at a mere 6 lbs! I had first met her mother at our local library and gave her my business card. Hoping beyond hope I could get my hands on this lil sweetie! A couple days later she called me up and accepted my offer. Now the real work began. Finding the props and necessities for capturing some darling memories. Surfing for inspiration, finding courage and faith that I could do what I had promised. I worried that she was going to be about 3 weeks old by the time her session came around.

So as you can imagine I had nerves a plenty the day her session came. Self doubt can plague even the stoutest of artistic hearts. I am no exception! But I soon found my stride and got to work. Patience is vital when photographing newborns. Both for the baby and the parents. There are diaper changes, feeding, crying, calming, rocking etc..... The list goes on and on. But with perseverance magic happens.
These are so precious and beautiful. I sure wish you could get going around here. Diane
ReplyDeleteP.S. You write very well!
Thank you very much Diane. I love capturing pure moments like these. I hope to start rounding up new clients REAL soon!