Monday, June 6, 2011

Wyoming Welcomes You!

First off and foremost I believe in "The Big Guy". He and I, we are bestest buds. We talk everyday and about everything under the sun.  Sometimes in weak spiritual moments I have even foolishly asked for the trivial things in life.  MY plans, wants and desires of an earthly bound life.  And I am of the firm belief that if you want to hear him laugh, well then, you just go ahead and tell him your plans.  Boy has he had a few good belly laughs at my expense.  The most recent one involves our families latest move to the great state of Wyoming.  Do you sense a story coming on?

We were living in Minnesota.  Enjoying the land of 1000 Lakes.  I had started my business (after much coaxing and gentle prodding of Mr. M and other family members) and had just broken out of my "circle of friends" clients.  So, in other words I wasn't begging my close friends and family to let me take their portraits anymore. I actually had people seeking me out. SCORE!

So come around October of last year Mr M. came home and told me he had been promoted. My excitement for this was short lived when he also informed me that this promotion came with a move to WYOMING! And he would need to report to work November 3rd.  Which was in 2 short weeks.

WHAT?!  See told you GOD has an awesome sense of humor.  : ) we had little time to prepare for this move it was decided that Mr M. would go ahead of us.  On his days off from work he would scout out a new rental to live in.  I mean honestly, how long could it really take? Hearing any laughter yet? It would take another FOUR MONTHS before he located suitable housing for our family of six that was within our budget.

They were VERY long months with Mr M. being gone for roughly 3 weeks at a time.  Me at home trying to pack, prepare kids for the move, and finalizing all my previous clients edits/orders. I was really doubting if this was the move we had hoped it would be. 

 Don't get me wrong....We as a family always wanted to end up in Southern Montana or Northern Wyoming. My family hails from Washington state while Mr M's is from Minnesota.  We wanted a happy meeting in the middle place to ground ourselves.  Nothing like driving 1500 miles with four kids in a non air conditioned vehicle.  FUN RIGHT! It just felt like to me that the timing was all wrong for this move.  But once again that was my foolish plan not HIS.

In the three months we have now been in WY we have managed to get "unpacked" and settled into a routine for the most part.  We take it a day at a time round here.  The family has ventured out into our new city and discovered some hidden jewels. (Easy to do when the Big Horn Mountains & Yellowstone are your new back yard.)   I hope to begin actively seeking clients again here real soon now that the weather has begun to cooperate with me.

Til next time enjoy one of the jewels I found!

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