Well if you are me, you plop yourself down in chair and TEACH yourself new crafts to keep your idle hands busy. You read it right!
T E A C H yourself.
These days with the internet it is just soooo much easier than it used to be. Thanks be to bloggers and YouTube videos that help us all find the artist with in us. Go find out for yourself. Find a craft that you have always thought you couldn't learn and I bet there is a written tutorial or video (if not BOTH) that will help you out.
My journey started with wanting to have all those cute lil prop ALL the other photogs were using in their body of work. I began to think to myself..
"Hey you"
Who said that?
"Hey....Hey....Quit looking around. Look in the mirror ya ding a ling."
Looking in the mirror with a bit of concern now. (Hearing voices is not such a good thing : )
"There ya go. You are a crafty type person.....Why not just make them yourself? I mean you crocheted when you were younger. Why not now?"
Yes, but the props I like are all knitted. (Yes I was now engaged in conversation with the voices in my head)
"And your POINT is?"
Well I don't know how to knit.
"Have you ever let not knowing how to do something ever stop you before?"
Well.....no.............HEY I CAN LEARN HOW TO KNIT!
"Your welcome"
My voice in my head was very pleased with itself as you can read

This is where the birth of my other business happened. Top Knots Prop Shop was created as I had many more hats bows and photography props than I could use. Here is just a few of the many items I have made in the past. The uber talented Missy of Missy Jasinski Photography and Kaloni Erickson of Paradise Photography both provided me with so to DIE FOR photos to share with you all.

This is where the birth of my other business happened. Top Knots Prop Shop was created as I had many more hats bows and photography props than I could use. Here is just a few of the many items I have made in the past. The uber talented Missy of Missy Jasinski Photography and Kaloni Erickson of Paradise Photography both provided me with so to DIE FOR photos to share with you all.

Feel free to visit the Top Knots Prop Shop and see what these idle hands have created
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